Last Week - Internship

July 24 - 28, 2023


    In the soft morning light of our usual gathering spot, a kind of sadness hung around us like a heavy fog. Today marked the end of our journey with the organization, and the weight of that realization was hard to ignore. The laughter and endless chats that usually filled the air were replaced by a quiet somberness as we all grappled with the idea of saying goodbye. Sitting there together, we couldn't help but think about all the moments we'd shared, the friendships we'd built, and the ways we'd grown. It was like we were in this silent agreement to take a moment and let it all sink in. No grand speeches or dramatic gestures, just us, lost in our thoughts. In that stillness, you could feel the unspoken gratitude and the flood of memories that we'd created together. The day ahead was daunting, full of farewells and finality, but it was also a chance to celebrate the crazy ride we'd been on.


    In the soft embrace of the morning sunlight, our usual meeting spot felt like an old friend, welcoming us one last time. As we gathered there, a mix of melancholy and excitement filled the air – today marked the end of our coding journey with the organization. With laptops closed and screens dimmed, we took a much-needed break from lines of code and tech troubles. Laughter and stories replaced the usual hum of keyboards, and for a moment, we were free from the constraints of syntax and debugging. It was a morning to savor the simple joys – the warmth of the sun on our faces, the sound of shared laughter, and the camaraderie that coding often overshadowed. As we leaned back against familiar chairs, there was a sense of contentment in knowing that we were making memories not just in code, but in the moments we stole away from it. The day ahead might be filled with farewells, but in this fleeting pause, we found a way to break free and relish in the company of friends, in a spot that had witnessed our growth and shared dreams.

Here we go again

    So, we were back at our supervisor's office today, for the last time. Sunlight was peeking through the windows, making everything look hopeful. We needed him to double-check something on the system before we left the organization. It was a bit nerve-wracking, you know? But also kind of cool because this was our final task here. Our system, the one we'd been working on, needed to be perfect. Our supervisor greeted us with a smile, and it felt comfy, like always. He knew his stuff, and he went through the system like a pro. He made some suggestions and fixed a few things. It was pro-meeting stuff mixed with a bit of friendliness. Walking out of his office, we felt good – everything was set. This whole thing reminded us how important it is to ask for help when you need it, and that our supervisor had been awesome throughout our time here.


    So, with the system work almost done, I suddenly had some free time. Instead of just chilling, I decided to try out something new – cybersecurity stuff. Basically, it's about keeping digital stuff safe from bad guys. And guess what? I used Python for it. I learned how to create scripts that can find weak points in networks and even tried out ways to make sure data is super secure. It was like being a digital detective, solving tech mysteries.

The Day

The big day finally arrived – the day we had been eagerly waiting for: the system presentation. Nerves and excitement mingled as we stood in front of our supervisor, ready to showcase weeks of hard work. With each slide, we explained how the system worked, highlighting its features and benefits. It was like putting together all the pieces of a puzzle and revealing the bigger picture. As we spoke, we could see our supervisor nodding in understanding. He followed along easily, which was a relief. It was like he was right there with us in every line of code we'd written. He even told us that he'd take over teaching others how to use the system since time was tight. Hearing that was a weight off our shoulders.

Then came the moment that made it all worth it – our supervisor's heartfelt gratitude. He explained how much the organization needed this system, how it would save them time and reduce errors. It was like hearing that we'd made a real difference. The smiles on his face and the genuine thankfulness in his words were like the best review we could have ever asked for. It felt amazing to know that our hard work wasn't just a project, but something that would truly help people. As we left the presentation room, there was a sense of accomplishment in the air. Weeks of coding, testing, and tweaking had led to this moment, and it was even better than we had hoped for.

Bicol University Represent

    Gathered together, our team and the other OJT students from our school smiled for a selfie – a snapshot to hold onto the moments we worked side by side and enjoyed each other's company. The camera clicked, freezing the laughter and camaraderie into a single frame. Looking at the photo, you could see the bond that formed through shared challenges and shared successes. It was a reminder of the times we leaned on each other for help, exchanged ideas, and celebrated even the tiniest victories. As we posed, we knew that the memories we were making would last beyond the project, serving as a testament to the strength of teamwork and the joy that came from working together.


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